verse of the day

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Believest thou this? [John 11v 1-46]

On a recent program on the TV called Africa,which focused on the awesome desert called the Sahara,we were shown a plant that that was but a dry whithered plant. To the naked eye it was dead,but when was a little drop of rain ,it came alive, it is called the Resurrection plant.I immediately saw the truth which to the presenter, and to many who were  watching,were blind to,of the coming day, when the resurrection of humanity will take place. As one looks at death,,and the body,it appears that is the end,especially when a persons ashes are scattered on the sea or where ever. How can there be a resurrection?,how can a body that that has been consumed by worms, eaten  by fish,or wild animals,come back?,surely when its gone it is gone.  To our human reasoning it is impossible,but what is impossible with man is possible with God. The event that happened in a place called Bethany,were a man called Lazarus had died,and was in a  process of corruption,is an evidence,shown by Jesus of the resurrection of the dead.[ John 11] There is of course the evidence of Jesus Himself ,Jesus   who was crucified,,was laid in a tomb,but He is not there He is risen. And He says to all humanity,I am the resurrection, and the life, he that believeth in Me,though he were dead yet shall he live[v25].
A  prayer.../ Dear God we thank You that because of Jesus ,death has not the final say,and that through Him there is hope beyond the grave,for all who believe in Him . Amen /

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