verse of the day

Thursday 14 February 2013

I am with you always.[Matthew 28v20]

As I go on in my Christian life I  receive comfort from the knowledge that I am not alone,Jesus  said ,to his disciples,and to all who are His./I am with you always[Matthew 28 v20]. W Barclay wrote,/In the Christian life we have a presence, Jesus,He is at once the goal  of our journey, and the companion on the way. He   is the one we are going to meet and the one who travels with us/ Whatever difficulty we may have to face this day,He will be there to help us,whatever dangers we may face this  day, He will be with us to protect us.We can step into the unknown future with one who will lead us and guide us,as sure as He guided Israel in the wilderness ,so He will guide us His children. Words of an old song I used to sing come to mind,/Fear thou not for I am with thee, I will still thou pilot be,never mind the tossing billows take my hand and trust in Me/ If fear is pressing in upon you,and you don't know what to do,here the word of Lord for you,/I am with you always/ He is greater than our greatest problem,He is stronger than our greatest weakness,for you see with God all things are possible
A  prayer....../Dear Lord Jesus as I face this day,let me not be afraid of change,for You the unchanging one will be with me,help me not to be afraid of anyone for You will protect me,and help me not to despair of any given task I have to do,for You will be there to help me Amen /

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