verse of the day

Friday 20 July 2012

We cannot loose out[ Proerbs 10 v22 ]

Proverbs10v22/ The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich,and he addeth no sorrow with it/When the blessing of the Lord is upon us,he will bless our endevours,but the scriptures tell us,except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it[Psalm127 v 1] Inspite of of all Laban did to Jacob the Lord overruled and prospered Jacob[ Genesis 31v 7 ]he became rich[Genesis 30 v43]this was not accomplished by Jacob efforts,alone, no , God blessed him,blessed his efforts. He addeth no sorrow to it,what does that mean?,Charles Bridges wrote/,no sorrow ,but what turns to a blessing,/we see this especially in the life of Joseph,all the suffering he endured,hated by his brothers,sold into slavery,wrongly accused of a crime,put into prison,until what he had said came to pass,the word of the Lord tested him[Psalm 105 v18-19]oh yes he suffered,but because the blessing of God was upon him,joy came in the morning[Psalm 30 v5 ]One cannot loose out if the blessing of God is upon us,, irrespective of what one may suffer,for there will come a glorious day when God will wipe away every tear,and we will enter into eternal joy[Revelation 21 v1-4] As I sat in my garden earlier,overhead dark clouds were gathering,and I thought of those wonderful words penned by dear William Cowper/ Ye fearful saints , fresh courage take,the clouds ye so much dread. Are big with mercy,and shall break, in blessings on your head/, so rejoice you blessed of the Lord.
A  prayer..../Dear God we praise You that in Jesus we are blessed by Your grace, mercy, and love,blessed in time and throughout eternity,. Amen ]

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