verse of the day

Monday 30 July 2012

The Lord Looketh on the heart.[ 1 Samuel 16 v7 ]

I am glad I attend a church that is imformal,it was not always so,I remember hearing of the former minister being criticised for taking his coat of  when preaching,but thankfully things have changed.When I was a minister I used to wear clerical garb ,I still try to look my best when I meet with Gods people, at one time I used to wear a bow- tie,yes that was my bow tie period.I remember  people making a great deal out of women wearing jeans,and if they wore make up, they were labled a Jezebel.I remember a speaker telling how a preacher was challenged by lady for wearing perfume[after shave],and he replied ,yes but it is obvious you dont wear perfume. Again I remember a pastor I knew who had a beard, being told by someone as they left at the close of the service,pity about the beard.A number of years ago I went to minister at a church, who had called a new minister, he was a young man , and he had an ear ring in one ear,which was a bit different, and for some not acceptable, and I remembered a scripture, /The Lord seeth not as man seeth, for man looketh on the outward appearance,but the Lord looketh on the heart[ 1 Samuel 16 v7]/
 A  prayer...../ Dear God forgive us for judging people,as the old saying  goes,judging the book by its cover, thankfully, the outward appearance is  not important,  with You, in Jesus name Amen /

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