verse of the day

Saturday 21 July 2012

Holding back. [ Matthew 28 v19-20 ]

Proverbs 11 v24 reads,/There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth,and there is that witholdeth more than is meet[ withholds what he should give] but it tendeth to poverty[and only suffers want]I heard someone say there are two things Christians become uncomfortable with, evangelism and thithing.[giving]God understands us fully, so I am not going to put myself or you on a guilt trip.Lets think about a biblical principal here,first evangilisim,we are not meant to be miserly with the gospel,it is meant to be shared,it is the good seed,what do you do with seed?, you sow it.It may bear fruit there and then ,but often it does not,but it will[ cp Isaiah55v8-11],for too long the church has held back,in plain evagelisim,and is the poorer for it,when we give the gospel away we will be blessed.
A  prayer..../ Dear God we thank You for the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us for hoarding it,for not sharing it,help us to be generous with this gospel, and let us  leave the results with You,in Jesus name Amen/

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