verse of the day

Sunday 22 July 2012

Being rich,being poor. [ Mark 10 v 28-30]

Proverbs 13 v7 /There is he that maketh himself rich,and yet hath nothing,there is that maketh himself poor,yet hath great riches/I suppose it is nice to have a bit of money,but let us be very clear,being rich guarantees nothing,and often in the pursuit of riches people impoverish themselves.Riches dont make you a better person or a more happy person, or a more holy person,as I write this blog, the national lottery is on the TV ,millions are hoping that they will win millions, and then everything will be great, or will it?Some of the riches people are far from happy read the book of Ecclesiastes, written by the man who had everything ,tried everything,only to discover that everything was meaningless, a chasing after wind[2 v11]Our Saviour often spoke to the rich and warned then of the danger in those riches they possessed,even that of loosing ones own soul, rich in possessions but  poor in relation to God[ Luke 12 v 16 -21 ]
 Next we read of those who make themselves poor , yet hath great  riches,how is this possible?  would any of us make ourselves poor? would you? would I?,what if God challenged us to give up all we possess how would we feel?nobody wants to be poor, there is a stigma attached to being poor.If we are a Christian then we are following one who was rich ,even our Jesus, and we  are told for our sakes He became poor[ 2 Corinthians8 v9 ]and in so doing he enriched us,,He enriched Heaven,and He enriched Himself.We could mention many people who have have followed in the footsteps of Jesus and in so doing been a blessing and been blessed,and their memory is blest.
A  prayer...../Dear Lord help us to keep heavens values first in our lives in Your name we ask this Amen/

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