verse of the day

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Acknowledge Him. [ Psalm 78 v53 ]

The next verse in Proverbs we can consider is 3v6/ In all thy ways acknowledge Him,and He shall direct thy paths/ The old hymn says ,/run not before Him/,is what we are inclined to do.In all thy ways acknowledge Him,in other words, bring Him into all aspects of our lives,be on gaurd against leaving the Lord out of our doings. We need to continually remind ourselves ,that dependance on the Lord is best,and the safest attitude to have,even when things dont turn out like we feel they should.Matthew Henry wrote/We must ask His leave, and not design anything but what we are sure is lawful/.We cannot expect God to bless anything that is dubious,our ways must be ways of holiness and integrity.So each day ,yea each hour,yea each minute,let us acknowledge the Lord, and the result will be He shall direct our paths.
 A  prayer..../ Dear God help us not to shut You out of any aspect of our lives,and at times when we forget ,have mercy,and overrule for our good, in Jesus name Amen /

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