verse of the day

Monday 23 July 2012

Right is not always right . [Isaiah 5 v 20 ]

Proverbs 14 v12/There is a way that semeth right unto a man,but the end thereof are the ways of death/ There is an old saying,/ convince a man against his will and he remaineth of that opinion still/,I listened to a famous pop star talking about his homosexual relationship,and of his adopted child. He appeared so comfortable and self assured,I suppose no amount of speaking to him would convince him that he was wrong,but he is,not because I say so, but because the word of God says so [ cp  Romans1 v24-28] Now I mention this to illustrate how people not just homosexuals,can be blinded by satan, into believing that what they are doing is right, even though it is clearly spelled out that what they are doing is wrong.The adulterer can convinced himself that God understands his adultery,because he and his wife are having difficulties,and that she does not understand him.I listened to the radio where professional pickpockets from Albania who will be visiting London during the Olympics ,to rob people.One pickpocket spoke as if what he was doing was alright,after all the people they  will be stealing from are rich.But Gods commandment tells us, /You shall not steal/ [Exodus 20 v15]. We appear to be  like the people at the time of the Judges,who simply did that which was right in their own eyes [21 v25], the result was they forsook Gods way and suffered the consquences.Let none of us be deluded ,let us judge are choices,beliefs,and practices,according to the word of God.
A    prayer.../ Dear God forgive us for our wrong sinful choices , open the eyes of our understanding,to make the right choices, to choose Christ, to forsake our sin, and to live our lives according to Your will as revealed in Your word,in Jesus name we ask this Amen /

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