verse of the day

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Two worlds. [ 2 Corinthians 4 v17-18 ]

I read these words in a daily reading and they blessed me,/The kindest friend Ive ever had, is one I cannot see. Yet One in whom I can confide, who loves and blesses me/.I am reading a book and it stresses the fact that as Christians, we belong to two worlds, one we can see ,the other we cant, that we are citizens of planet earth, and citizens of heaven.The visible and the invisible, many people only concern themselves with what they can see, and live accordingly, the emphasis in their lives is to do with the here and now, eating ,drinking,money ,sex ,success,etc. The odd religous encounter has no real bearing on the vast majority, their lives remained untouched by the invisible kingdom, it is sad but true, it will only be when they die will they become fully aware of that other world. As Christians we are to manifest the realities of that other world, by our speech,and actions,and this will often bring us into conflict, thats what happens when two worlds collide.As a Christian I love and know someone whom I have never seen , His name is Jesus,He calls me and every Christian to live, with heaven always in our sights. [Dear God help me to live for You, by faith, to live for your kingdom, to live for Your son Jesus. Amen ]

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