verse of the day

Friday 21 January 2011

Am I willing?[2 Chronicles 28 v 9 ]

Yesterday I mentioned about people with deep seated problems, now what is the key to overcoming these ?, willingness.Consider what that means, you see there are mulitudes of people, who know the dangers of smoking ,but they are not willing to give up, the will is mans fortress. When that begins to crumble then things can begin to change, but only then,there will be no change,until the there is a willingness to change.People say I cant change ,but the more important question is am I willing to change?,no one can answer that for them,one can reason with a person till one is blue in the face, but until there is a willingness to change ,things will remain the same. So if you have deep seated problems ask yourself, are you willing to change?for you the problems will not go away until you are willing to change. Now of course this is only part of the answer,but it is the most important part, we will move on tomorrow to consider,what next ?. [Dear God help us to be willing to change,in Jesus name Amen ]

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