verse of the day

Sunday 25 May 2008

Worry.[ Matthew 6v25 -34. ]

In Acts 27 v33, we read of the apostle Paul ,speaking to his fellow travellers, You have been so worried that you havent touched food for two days. They were in a severe storm, their lives appeared threatened , worry affects , and afflicts all of us, it is only natuaral, of course it is , but a spiritual man, made a difference, in that situation. Do read Acts 27, it is a wonderful story,in it we have the storm, two groups of people, the Believers and the unbelievers, which are you?, Paul hears from God , and then he speaks the word in faith. There are so many people out there who are worried about so many things,from debts to death, they need to hear what God has to say, from those who are believers, [ Father help me not to worry , but to trust, and help me to be available for You to speak through me to others, in Jesus name I ask this, Amen.]

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