verse of the day

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Empathy [ Hebrews 4 v14- 16 ]

The dictionary tells me that empathy means, intellectual or emotional identification with another, this is a very important aspect of life, and is vital to us as Christians. There are many ways to illustrate this, take our Saviour , in Hebrews 4 v15,we read , This High Priest [ Jesus] of ours understands our weaknesses, for He faced all of the same testings we do,yet He did not sin. In other words when we go to Jesus in prayer in our weaknesses, He can identify with us because He himself has been through, what we have been through, He understands and sympathizes with us. So it is with you and I , why do we have trials? in order that we can identify with others who are facing similar trials, God is not wasteful, He allows us to experience trials so we can more fully help others, so we can have empathy with them. [ Father I often wonder why I am allowed to experience trials , I would rather not, help me to understand there is a loving purpose, in all you do, that my trials help me to understand what others are going through, in Jesus name , Amen.]

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