verse of the day

Thursday 8 May 2008

Blessings. [ Matthew 5v 1- 12]

In Proverbs 10v22, we are told , The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich, and He adds no sorrow with it,there are many people and they are blessed, with success , wealth , good health, etc, but they have things in their lives , that brings them sorrow.Dont just seek to be blest, but seek the blessing of God , thats were true riches come from. I would encourage you to read Matthew 5 v1-12,there we see who God blesses,and what that blessing means, let us seek those blessings,as Proverbs 10v22, tells us,there will be no sorrow in those blessings.[ Father we would request of that You would bless us today,with the blessing that each of us need, in Jesus name we ask this. Amen]

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