verse of the day

Saturday 17 May 2008

Words [ Proverbs 12v25 ]

In Proverbs 16v24, we read, Kind words are like honey-sweet to the soul and healthy for the body, it is James who writes about the negative side of words, and the importance of controlling what we say.Lets be honest we have all said things we shouldnt have, and we have all without exception been hurt by words spoken to us. So today let us speak kind words , people are struggling with many things, they are no different to you and I, behind a smile there is often hidden hurts, worries. So today let us speak kind words,consider what Solomon wrote, and how positive kind words are , to those who hear them.[ Father I thank you for the kind words you continually speak to me, help me to to be like You with those I come in contact with, in Jesus name we ask this Amen.]

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