verse of the day

Saturday 24 May 2008

Things of beauty [ Genesis 3 ]

We have a water feature in our garden, to my wife it is a thing of beauty,yesterday we did some work in our garden and we found to our horror, four dead birds , they must have gone for a drink fell into the barrel, and drowned. This thing of beauty had become a thing of death for those little birds We can learn something from this, that there are things of beauty, that can destroy, a mountain is a thing of beauty, but many people have died on mountains. Consider David , [ 2 Samuel 11], he saw a thing of beauty, desired it ,took it, and sinned greatly.Consider Achan, [Joshua 7 ], he saw things of beauty ,desired them , took them , and sinned, both of these men sinned,both of them caused others to suffer, and both paid a price for their foolishness, beware of those things of beauty, which we look upon and desire. [ Holy Father help us to not be decieved by things of beauty,help us to see that all that glitters is not gold, help us to have godly values of holiness, in Jesus name we pray this, Amen. ]

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