verse of the day

Saturday 1 June 2024

The unwanted guest ( James 1 v 13 - 15)

I have a dear friend who is nearly 90,and he shared with me how he still feels tempted with lustful thoughts,and that is distressing him. The fact is no matter what age we reach, 90 or a 100 ,temptation will still knock on our door,let me remind you being tempted is not a sin,it is when we yield to it,then it become a sin. There was man and he invited a friend into his home ,in spite of the fact he came with a bad reputation,but he liked him ,he was good company,he was good at telling jokes ,he was a grand fellow.But soon things changed,things went missing,not only that ,the man was very overbearing.One day the went out leaving his  guest on his own,and when he came back,he could not get into his own,his guest had taken it over. I tell this little story just to illustrate the danger of letting temptation into you life as a guest,for if you do you will regret it,it will take over and there will be dire consequences. The wisest king who ever ruled Israel  invited temptation into his life,and it took over his life and brought judgement upon  the nation,his name was Solomon,the wisest man who became an utter fool ,it all started when he invited temptation into his life. (Read 1 Kings 11 v 1 13 )

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