verse of the day

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Without God ( Psalm 124)

Thomas A Kempis wrote,'There is no holiness,if you withdraw your hand .  No wisdom is of any use,if you no longer guide it. No strength can avail if you do not preserve it. No purity is safe if you do not protect it, No watchfulness on our part can affect anything unless your holy vigilance is present with us.If you abandon us ,we sink and perish;but if you come to us we are raised up and we live'. Consider the three tenses,'Past,Present,and Future'.Lets consider the past when we knew not Christ as our Saviour, it took  the grace of God to open our minds eyes to the fact that there was nothing we can do to save ourselves,yes absolutely nothing.The word of God tells us ,'For it is by grace you have been saved,through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works,so no one can boast.  (Ephesians 2 v8- 9). Now the present,our dependence on God has not ceased,for our Saviour tells us that without Him we can do nothing (John 15 v 5)We are not to be independent builders as Psalm 127  tells us, 'Unless the Lord builds the house,the builders labour in vain'. Next the future,it can be a bit frightening and overwhelming, all will be well as long we rely upon the  Lord,and we discover that He will bring us through to our desired destination.,heaven and home.

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