verse of the day

Thursday 13 June 2024

Paradise. ( Revelation 21 v1 -8 )

 It was John Milton who  wrote a book called ,'Paradise Lost',God placed our first parents in an earthly paradise,then the unthinkable happened,in a moment paradise was lost because our first parents sinned,and everything was changed,not for the better,it was catastrophic a terrible disaster,of monumental proportion, the very universe must have give a shudder. It would affect the whole of humanity ,but it would also effect creation ,( Romans 8 v 19- 22),the earthly paradise would now have a curse upon it ,( Genesis 3 v 17-19).We are at odds with creation and creation is at odds with us. Daily we hear of the damage being done to our planet and so it continues and its not improving, Finbar Furey sings a song that only partly  tells the damage being done to our home planet are some of the words from it.

                                           Look at our world now,she must have been beautiful

                                           When her rivers ran clear and her skies were so blue.

                                           Blue jewel in the sky,so precious to all of us

                                          The oceans are choking the rain forest's almost gone,

                                           How could you destroy what you didn't own.?

Yes it is very  depressing what is happening to our planet,but God has a plan ,and you can be part of it,John Milton touches on it when he wrote another book 'Paradise Regained', a new heaven and a new earth( Isaiah 65v17/2 Peter2 v13/Revelation 21 v1 ) .It is for a new people ,who are part of God's new creation( 2 Corinthians 5 v17) they are those who have trusted Christ as Saviour, their sin has been dealt with,the result  will be for them,'Paradise Regained'.


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