verse of the day

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Show no mercy. ( Colossians 3 v 1 -10)

 Even though I  am a senior citizen, I still like the character Winnie-the Pooh or Pooh for short, by A.A Milne.He had many friends,the main one being Christopher Robin. He is described as a bear with very little brains,but he was also a little bear with a big heart. Ah but he was not a perfect bear ,he had a weakness,honey, and at times he over indulged in it,the result was he got stuck in an entrance of a tunnel. The only way he was going to get out of  that ,was to loose weight,and that meant he had fast(I don't think he prayed),eventually he succeeded in freeing himself from that situation.It is a nice little story ,yet let us ask the question,what are our weaknesses?,we all have them,I wonder does one particular weakness get us into trouble, even into sinning,a sinful weaknesses .Not all weaknesses are sinful but they can be,and they can lead into sinful practices,into which we are trapped. Our weaknesses don't only affect us but can effect our family,our parents,our friends.Pooh's answer was to stop eating,our answer if we are Christians ,is to stop indulging our weaknesses .We must not pamper our weaknesses,we must deal with them with the severity they deserve show them no mercy. Colossians 3 v 5 reads.

                                      ' Put to death,therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly

                                       nature; sexual immorality,impurity,lust,evil desires,and 

                                       greed , which is idolatry.'

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