verse of the day

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Ethics ( James 5 v 1 -6)

 My wife's car has a problem,the garage said it would need a new engine, and the cost would be very high, I told a friend who is a mechanic,one of his suggestions was just trade it in,without revealing that there was a problem.I told him I would not do that. We went to see the garage that said it needed a new engine, one of the things they said was trade it in,and I told them the same answer.The point is it would be ethically wrong to do that as a Christian,or even if your not a Christian. So many people are acting unethically, one of my sons is a salesman,and he tells me that so many unethically practices go on,as a Christian he tries to be ethical. If as a  person you do not have ethics,then anything goes,a mam I know had a position in his job ,and he said that before he became a Christian he was really bad,in other words he didn't treat people fairly.Again a man I know who had a very high paid job in a bank ,he told me that a number of years ago,many people were given mortgages they couldn't afford to pay back,someone raised that issue,he was not liked for raising that issue as many people were making a lot of money out of it.Where there are people who are in charge  who  can't be challenged ,be it in, then ethics will not count.There are people who are very successful  the questions it raises,'How many people did they walk over,how many lies did they tell,how many times did they break their word?. It is not just business I'm talking about ,I know of ministers who did not act ethically,the wealth and prosperity people do not act ethically.,a Christian should always aim to act ethically.

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