verse of the day

Friday 7 June 2024

Unlearn. ( Isaiah 43 v 18 - 19 )

I think one of the of the hardest things to do is to unlearn,many churches are filled with people who will say,' we always did it that way.' They resist  doing things another way, even though the church is dying on it's feet.There ears are closed to any suggestion that means doing things differently,examples there are in plenty.Many businesses are closing because they have not learned to unlearn, the words of a songs which goes.I done it my way is not always the best way to go,We accumulate  so many habits in our lives,habits that are not helpful,holding us back ,The apostle wrote to a church who were doing things in a wrong way,and he said ,'I want to lay out a far better way for you' (1 Corinthians 12 v31) Many battles have been lost by generals who were unwilling to unlearn ,unwilling to change,we don't use a quill  to write with.The book of judges could be summed up in the following  words ,'everyone did what was right in his own eyes', and time and time again that brought them into conflict  with God,That habit prevailed throughout Israels history,what about your history and my history?on a personal note,one of the things I have to  unlearn is the bad habit  of failing to acknowledge God in all my ways,its on going ,we easily slip back into our old ways.

                                                   'For to long it's been our way,let us

                                                    unlearn,and do it God's way'

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