verse of the day

Sunday 30 June 2024

Persecuted Christians. ( Hebrews 13 v 3 )

 Religious  persecution is not a new thing,why are people persecuted?,there are many reasons,one of them being,the belief that Christ is the only way to God.There are vast numbers of people who worship other god's.and Christians seek to evangelise them , and if  they leave their religion,they see their religion under attack.And when people in their family turn to Christ ,they are not very pleased,in fact they are very angry.,to the point to that even want to kill their children. Another reason is that many countries identify their religion with there country,and so to challenge to their religion , is seen as an attack on their country. Christians are being persecuted,and it can become relentless .So today let us all pray for our brothers and sisters who are suffering for Christ,a Pastor Avedian and wife who are serving long prison  sentences in Iran,there are also 120,000 Armenian Christians who have had to flee the land they lived in. Around 45,000 believers have been killed by Islamists since 2009 ,mainly in the North and Middle Belt of Nigeria.These are just some examples of suffering Christians, I an not advocating revolution, that's the last thing we want,no I am asking you to pray for them, to intercede for them,support those organisations that support our persecuted family.Our Saviour said to the early disciples,'I am sending you out like lambs among wolves'.(Luke 10 v3 )in some ways nothing has changed,Jesus told it as it was and how it would be . He said ,'In the world you will have tribulation', but then He adds.'but be of good cheer,I have overcome the world'.  (John 16 v 33)

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