verse of the day

Saturday 22 June 2024

Safe and Secure, (Deuteronomy 33 v 27)

 It is so easy to feel insecure in this world,and also to feel fear, the list of Phobias could fill a book, here are some ,fear of heights,flying,water,storms,closed spaces,crowds,etc.There are many people who  suffer from panic attacks,brought on by stress.Very few of us could say ,'I will fear no evil', even though the Lord is with us,let me say this,we will all feel fear,it is how we react to it, that is important.I believe God can give us strength to go forward,in spite of our fears. When I passed my test many years ago,my legs were like jelly,but by faith I still went ahead with it. As I grow older at times I still have my fears,real and imaginary,but God has been faithful,and I have no reason to think that will change.I admire the apostle Paul,in his writings he tells how he felt in troubles.he wrote of a time when he and others faced great dangers,he speaks of being crushed and overwhelmed not expecting to survive. So what did they do, they turned from self to their Saviour who rescued them from mortal danger (2 Corinthians 1 v8 -10) Thomas Brooks wrote the following,' Our safety and security lie not in our weak holding upon  Christ, but in Christ's holding us fast in His everlasting arms. This is our glory and our safety,that Christ's left hand is always under us,and his right hand doth always embrace us'.

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