verse of the day

Tuesday 4 June 2024

My Witnesses. (Acts 1 v 8)

 I was out spending my birthday money\,big decision were made,should I buy it or shouldn't I ?,well I did,and as I paid for it I witnessed to the person serving me.Here is how the conversation went,'Are you a Christian? well she replied,''I don't go to Church,'' I said, 'I didn't ask that,''I replied,in a nice way.Then she replied,'' yes I believe there is someone out there'',I stressed the importance of knowing Christ,She mentioned,''that will give me something to think about'', The conversation ended with me saying,'' it would be the most important thing she could ever think off''.

                                                            'A Prayer'

                                                'Lead me to some soul today

                                                Help me Lord to know just

                                                what to say,friends of mine

                                                are lost in sin and cannot

                                                find their way.'


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