verse of the day

Thursday 20 June 2024

He knows. ( 1 Peter 5 v7)

 Things happen and one cannot do much about it,three years ago we purchased a car for my wife,it was I who choose the car. Before we bought it I spent much time reading up on different models,one particular model stood out,it was very impressive,everything seemed right about it.The mileage was very so we eventually went and saw it ,and we liked it,and we bought it.Of course we prayed about it asking God to guide and direct us,and I believe He did. So for the next three years my wife enjoyed the car,it was lovely, but then my wife said she could heard a noise,and so we arranged to ia having a diagnostic report,when that was done they told us  it needed a new engine,which involved a good bit of money..The point is, it still has a low mileage,yes things happen,had we not prayed about it,so why had this happened?,the answer is very simple,I don't know,but here is what is important, God knows , and we can rest assured that it will work out for our good,and His glory,all things are in His hands,be what they may.I am conscious that there are those of you who are reading this ,who may be facing far more  severe difficulties,dear child of God remember He knows,yes you may not know,and you may be asking why?, I just want to encourage you to trust your loving heavenly Father,who loves you,and will never cause you ,His child to have a needless tear.

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