verse of the day

Friday 21 June 2024

We all have a choice.( Isaiah 55 v 6-7 )

I have been  diabetic for quite a number of years, I am not on medication, and it has never caused  me any problems. In some cases it can be very serious if you do not watch your sugar intake,a neighbour of mine ignored  the warnings,showed no restraint,well he had an injury on his leg,he neglected to have it treated,gangrene set in, and then he died.I do try to watch what I eat,one think I always liked was apple pie,recently I was in a supermarket,and saw apple pies for sale,oh I would have loved to have bought one,but then I heard myself saying,'Yield not to temptation',and I didn't. One thing God has given us is the power to choose, yes we do have a choice when faced with being unfaithful to the one we are married to,we do have a choice between telling the truth or telling a lie, when we yield to sinful temptations,we sin ,and that's very serious.It might be in a major thing or minor thing, but sin is sin, there is no such thing as a venial sin or a mortal sin ,God does not differentiate  as regards sin. My neighbour choose to ignore the consequences of what he was doing,and he paid the price, if you are not saved,remember  there will be very serious consequences as regards  your sin, don't yield to the temptation of thinking that God will not judge you,He will, make the right choice and seek forgiveness by trusting Jesus as your Saviour.

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