verse of the day

Friday 14 June 2024

When hate and love collided'.( Colossians 1 v 13 -14)

What is the opposite of hate? 'love,' there is a song the title being,'When love and hate collide', I don't have to tell you there have been  many wars fought,but the greatest war  ever fought took place on a hill far away were three cross'es stood,and on that middle cross a great battle took place.Hell in all it's awfulness aided by fallen humanity collided with love personified in the person of Jesus .That love defeated the enemies of God, now there was hope for the hopeless,death died a death, eternal life beckoned for mankind,eternal glory in heaven awaits all who embrace Christ as their  Saviour .Peace with God could become a reality,no longer would we be shut out from His presence,from being lost to being saved,to have a hope that will surly endure after the passing of time.When Jesus cried ,'It is Finished', it was a cry of victory ,hate and love had collided,and love had won the victory.

                                                     'On the cross Jesus won the victory for us,'

                                                                           ' Hallelujah'

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