verse of the day

Monday 3 June 2024

Doing one's own thing.( Matthew 16 v 24 - 26 )

R.T.Kendall writing on two of Aarons  sons, Nadab and Abihu who were priests whom God struck down dead because they offered up unauthorised fire (Numbers 3 v 4),quotes a Jewish Rabbi as to what they did ,'The simple meaning is they were ''doing their own thing''. Yes instead of doing what God said,they did their own thing ,He expects obedience,He expects us to do His thing,His bidding.King Saul likewise did his own thing and lost his throne,he offered sacrifices to God, he was not qualified to do that,The prophet Samuel told him,'To obey is better than sacrifice',(1 Samuel 15 v22)No matter how sincere we may be it will not give you the right to disobey God. Let none of us be fooled into thinking God will overlook our disobedience,He won't.David was favoured by God greatly,he was described as a man  after God's heart.  (1 Samuel 13 v 14) But that didn't last ,instead of being a man after God's own heart ,he became a man who followed the lusts and violence of his own heart,(2 Samuel 11-12 )in other words he did his own thing.In our society there are laws,many  ignore  those  laws,drinking and driving, taking drugs,yes there are many other things one could mention,but it all comes  under doing our own thing.The world on the whole are doing there own things,they reject God's way, Jesus ,Provers 14  v12 tells us about them it says ,'There's a way of life  that looks harmless enough; look again- it leads straight to hell'

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