verse of the day

Monday 24 June 2024

He made no reply. ( 1 Peter 2 v23)

Sometimes I get angry  ,especially if anyone hurts someone  I love,I remember years ago when a neighbour acted unkindly to one of our children  ,and my then wife became angry with her.That was it, no that Sunday as a family we went to go to church, there she was waiting and called us all sorts of things thankfully we didn't respond,we just went on our way.I know that was the best way ,it would be easy to retaliate, word for word.I have done it sometimes but it doesn't help. Spurgeon wrote the following,'Calm assurance answers some questions infinitely more conclusively than the loftiest eloquence.. The best apologists for Christianity in the early days were  its martyrs,The anvil breaks  a host of hammers by quietly bearing the blow'. It is Isaiah  writing prophetically of our Saviours suffering wrote,'He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth,it says the same words again (53 v7)What an awesome example he left us,when we are unfairly treated,or when we are being persecuted, it  is contrary to the natural man,Our Saviour said ,'Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth'.(Matthew 5 v 5), and so they will.

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