verse of the day

Monday 10 June 2024

Faithfulness ( Exodus 20 v14 )

 I buy a newspaper once a week,it's consider an up market newspaper ,but I have noticed recently that they have a liberal agender ,as regards the sanctity of marriage..Time and again  I read articles on people who have extra marital affairs,hear's an example,'Are you in a 'tolyamorous' marriage?',that means turning a blind eye to infidelities within one's marriages,so they give examples of married couples who supposedly don't mind their husbands /wives having other sexual partners .One so called expert states,'I think we are starting to recognise  that you can have a really beautiful , fulfilling relationship and nourishing relationship,but it may not be openly exclusive,and if you can make peace with that,then  that's going to be OK'  ,is it?, no, far from it ,these articles don't take into account the carnage that infidelity brings into multitudes of families, the children especially suffer the most.When we go against God's order there is always going to be  consequences,people suffer ,society suffers.Many still take vow's and say ,'Till death do us part'. God expects us to keep our vows, God expects us to be faithful, of course the people I am writing about are not Christians,but even if you are not a Christian being faithful is important, of course it does cost,marriage is not a fairy tale,it brings it's challenges,but in spite of everything, it is worth being faithful in your marriage.

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