verse of the day

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Obedience ( Acts 4 v 1-22)

One of the things Hitler brought in,was for the Wehrmacht ( German armed forces) to  take an oath to God of unconditional obedience to Hitler. That came back to bite them eventually,there are those who say that oaths were for the old covenant and that Jesus taught that we of the new covenant should not take oaths (Matthew 5 v 33-37,well it is something to think about.No one except God should be given absolute or unconditional obedience,whither in marriage,employment,or the church.We see what it led to in Germany and in so many places , I want us to consider leadership within the church,looking back on church history we see the evils perpetrated by so called leaders and their followers. and the errors that were introduced by a leader who claimed to be infallible in relation to truth. Thankfully we have the example of  the apostle Paul who challenged Peter in what he was doing,as he slipped momentarily back into the old covenant (Galatians 2 v 11-21) Yes when leaders in the church are slipping into error or immorality,it is important that they should be challenged.I am not trying to stir up a revolution ,but simply to stress that we have a God given right to challenge the idea of unquestionable obedience to any human being or system.

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