verse of the day

Sunday 9 June 2024

Moral values ( John 3 v 36 )

Moral values have changed in society ,there are things today that were unthinkable when I was younger ,but now they are acceptable. Years ago living together and not married would have been considered a sin,and for Christians it would have been totally unacceptable.In churches we don't hear much preaching on morality ,even though God's moral standards have not changed.We do not want to  be like the hardened Pharisees,but it is important that we grasp the reality that God has moral standards ,that we must live by. In Ephesians 4 v 17 ff we are told a number of things,that we are to be different than unbelievers,to be honest ,to not let any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths..To get rid of all bitterness,rage and anger,brawling and slander,to be forgiving. In chapter 5 we are told that there must not be even a hint of  sexual immorality,no obscenity,foolish talk or  coarse joking.God does not look kindly on sinful behaviour His wrath is revealed against all ungodliness and unrighteousness.Look on the cross,look on Jesus, suffering untold agony for our sin,He bore the wrath of God that was our due,that when we trust Jesus as our Saviour, we are free from that righteous wrath of longer will we face eternal suffering,instead we can look forward to the eternal glories of heaven,where Jesus has prepared a place for us. In that lovely hymn ,'Beneath the cross of Jesus',by Elizabeth C. Clephane, we read the following words,as regards the cross

                                             ' There lies, beneath its shadow,but on the farther side

                                        The darkness of an awful grave,that gapes both deep and wide;

                                        And there between us stands the cross,two arms outstretched to save;

                                           Like a watchman set to guard the way from that eternal grave.


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