verse of the day

Thursday 27 June 2024

Amazing.( Romans 11 v33-36 )

 I am just home from visiting a dear friend, who is older than me by 10years,we talked about different things, before I leave him I usually read the word of God and pray.Today I read from Romans 8,there are tremendous truths within that chapter,let me highlight some of them. .It begins by telling us.'Therefore ,there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus',the 'therefore points them back  to the truths he has covered ,in other words in the light what they have read ,something has happened that brought them into a position of forgiveness, freedom,and peace with God , that means they have been accepted by God through faith in Jesus.It's truly amazing what God  has accomplished  through the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  And its amazing that he brought a man called  Saul,who became Paul ,into His kingdom, who became the greatest of the apostles, a man of untiring zeal in his missionary activities activities, God would use him to bring  countless numbers into the kingdom.  .A man who wrote those wonderful epistles ,explaining the wonders of the gospel ,God used him revealing to him ,the scope of the gospel that it was for all,for all are sinners,and all need a Saviour, the Jew could no longer be considered an elites group,they were sinners like everyone else,what Paul desired for the Jews was that they might be saved,for they were  on a par with the gentiles and they all needed to be born again .The middle wall of partition had been broken down,now the gentiles were fellow citizens with God's people,No longer Jew or gentile,slave or free,male or female,we are all one in Christ Jesus,that means we are Abraham's  seed  and  heirs according to the promise. When you consider the wonders of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ,it takes ones breath away.                                                                                                                                                          

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