verse of the day

Saturday 15 June 2024

Jesus says come.( Luke 8 v26 - 39)

In  the first chapter of Isaiah Israel is challenged as to their hypocrisy,yes they went through the motions of following God, but He calls them a sinful nation,the description of them paints a very dark picture  right at the beginning judgement is forecast.He likens their condition to a person  as a  physically wreck.It is obvious that God is angry with them and it was coming to a point of no return,judgement was coming, and did come  95 yrs later, they never improved ,they only got worse CP  Ezekiel 8. Yet judgement was'n't inevitable ,here is what God said,''Come now, and let us reason together'', Though your sins are like scarlet,they shall be as white as snow;  though they are red like crimson,they shall be as wool. (1 v18 ) God is holding out to them His hand of forgiveness judgement need not fall, God declares'As surely as I live says the Sovereign Lord, I  take no pleasure in the death of wicked people.I only want them to turn from their wicked ways so they can live (Ezekiel 33 v 11) This applies to a nation ,but it also applies to the individual,that no matter how wicked we are, no matter what sins we have committed, there is forgiveness by God who would have all men to be saved,we are told that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all  sin(1John 1 v7)
                                                ' Come,ye sinners,lost and hopeless,
                                                  Jesus blood can make you free;
                                                  For He saved the worst among you,
                                                  When He saved a wretch like me.
                                                      (Words Anna W. Waterman)

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