verse of the day

Sunday 2 June 2024

God ( Numbers 23 v 19 )

 What can God do?,we are told with God all things are possible, (Mark 10 v 27) this our God who created all things out of nothing CP Romans 4 v17/Hebrews 11 v3 /,but its impossible,but not with God. He spoke and it came into being.So what can God do for you?,what difficulties are you facing? again let me stress with God all things are possible,what difficulties are you facing? God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think (Ephesians 3 v 20)

What will God not do?,in fact it is impossible for Him to do ,He cannot tell a lie ( Hebrews 6 v 18), it goes against His holiness, He is the God of truth,when he speaks he only speaks the truth,unlike us he will never deviate one iota from the truth. So when we read  His word we are reading the creation miracles,promises we are reading the truth,the whole truth,and nothing but the truth.My mother used to say ,'you cannot trust a liar', you can trust God.Also He will not act contrary to His will,prayer will not change that,we must always bow in humility to the will of God,no matter how painful it is

What will God do?,on the big stage He will bring an end to this present world,He will bring judgement upon it,just as He did at the time of Noah (Genesis 6 - 7) but the next time the world will be consumed by fire (2 Peter 5 v 7 ).This will happen when Jesus comes back again (2 Thessalonians 1 v 7) What will God do for His children?as we have trusted Jesus as our Saviour it means we are not appointed unto wrath (1 Thessalonians 1 v10). Until that day comes He will preserve us unto his heavenly kingdom.(2 Timothy 4 v18 )

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