verse of the day

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Let us magnify the grace of God. ( Galatians 6 v 18)

 I am 80,and have been following the Lord for 60 years,and as I look back on my life the words penned by John Newton come to mind,' Through many dangers, toils and snares,I have already come; Tis grace has brought me safe thus far,and grace will lead me home'. Those words speaks volumes,reading the life of John Newton one can appreciate why he wrote then,but they ring true for all of  God's children. I often hear  people who live to  a very old age, when asked  ,'what is the secret of your long life?,'and they give different reasons,but I don't think I have ever heard one say,'by the grace of God'.  I have been driving for many years,Like all of us I am not a perfect driver,how have I survived? ,by the grace of God. How  have I survived morally?,yes morally, I have no other explanation, than the grace of God.Then what about the trials that have come into our lives? things we never expected, most certainly never expected.You may have thought this should not be happening to me, even though our Saviour told us, 'that in the world we shall have tribulation,(John 16 v33) How have we come through those trials? 'by the grace of God'. I am told that there are 5 graces of God,' saving grace,sanctifying grace,strengthening grace,sharing grace,and serving grace'. As regards coming through trials  we highlight ,'strengthening grace', that grace has never dried up,and never will. Yes its true.'His grace has brought us safe thus far,and grace will will lead us home'.

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