verse of the day

Sunday 23 June 2024

Unique ( Psalm 139v 13 - 18 )

Stop comparing yourself to others,you are unique ,when God made you ,yes you,He broke the mould, as one has said ,'God crafted you to be one of a kind,and of all the billions of people alive right now on planet earth, no one is just like you'. I have just heard that one of my granddaughters has had a baby boy,10lbs 3 oz, he is unique. Identical twins may look the same but they are different,their personalities will be different.In some families some parents make more of the bright child,so undermining the not so bright child,and they grow up with an inferiority complex.I have 5 sons they are all different, some are gifted academically, others are not but they all have special gifts, different strengths,and different personalities,and to me they are all precious. Today stop comparing yourself to others be yourself,be the person God made you be. Of course as Christians God has a plan for His children that they would be conformed to Christ image (Romans 8 v 29)but we are not being made clones ,we are being made Christlike, perfect in everyway.

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