verse of the day

Monday 1 July 2024

Boasting excluded. ( 1 Corinthians 15 v 9- 10)

A man was heard saying ,'I suppose those Christian think they are better than everybody else',no, that is not true.Some religions like Hinduism  can lead those in a higher cast,think that they better than those in a lower cast,and so they despise them,and have no sympathy for them. We read of the Pharisees in the gospels they called the common people sinners,yet our Saviour had said some very serious things about them that they  were children of hell (Matthew 23 v13) . Do Christians think they are better than the non-Christians?,I hope they don't ,for the fact is we are not.But we are better off than non-Christians, simply by the grace of God, the Christian is a sinner saved by grace, We are better  off than the non-Christian for Jesus is our Saviour, and  that changes everything,instead of going to hell we are going to heaven.(John 3 v 16) Upon every non -Christian  the wrath of God remains  ,but not upon those who trust in Jesus(John 3v 36). Yes the Christian is better off than the non-Christian, because when Christ becomes our Saviour, God becomes our Father (John 1 v12) Yes we not better that anyone else ,but because of Jesus we are better off than them .

                                                     'Naught have I gotten,but what I received;

                                                      Grace have bestowed it since I believed;

                                                       Boasting excluded,pride I abase;

                                                        I'm only a sinner,saved by grace.'

                                                                 Words J.M.Gray.


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