verse of the day

Wednesday 3 July 2024

God is not a spectator. ( Romans 1 v18-32)

I used to play football a long time ago,I wasn't very good,now I am just a spectator ,no influence,I don't get involved I just criticise ,and  try to enjoy the game,yes I'm just an onlooker. The thought came to me as regards God,is He just a spectator?,does He just sit enthroned above the circle of the earth,just looking looking on?.The fact is a vast number of people look at God  as being a spectator not really involved in the affairs of this world. and is definitely  not involved in anyway in their affairs.They speak with no reference to God,other than using His name in vain,living only on a horizontal level.when Pharaoh was confronted by Moses and the words that he spoke,'The God of Israel says'; Pharaoh replied ,'Who is the Lord, that I should let Israel go? I do not know the Lord'. (Exodus 5  v 1-2 )Millions upon millions do not know God ,I spoke to a man today he said he was an atheist,so he is not accountable,most people are practical atheist in other words they act as if He does not exist .I said to that atheist,'so all this just happen,its impossible '. The apostle said,' in Him (God ) we live and move and have our being (Acts 17 v28).he then goes on to declare,'For He has set a day when He will judge the world with justice  by the man He has appointed,He has given proof of this to everyone by raising  him from the dead'.(Acts 17 v 31)God is sovereign we are heading at brake neck speed to that day when we all will be ushered into the presence of God  and they shall bow the knee before Him in fear,as judgement falls upon them,and oh what a weeping and whaling will  be heard as they hear of their fate.

                                                     'There are no atheists in foxholds'

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