verse of the day

Saturday 20 July 2024

There's none so blind ( Jeremiah 17 v 9 )

While out walking I stopped to talk to a fellow Irish man, he is  from the south,as we old ones  spoke of our different aliments, I will not tell you what they were,I don't want to depress you.He asked what age I was , I asked him what age he thought I was,and to my surprise he said 65,I lie not ,of course he was not wearing glasses.He told me his name was Mac Carry,the conversation came to spiritual things, I don't know if I made much headway,but I did try,one of things he said, that he did not sin,and he had no sinful thoughts.One is amazed that a person saying such a thing,it manifests just how  blind they are,blind to how vast is the gulf between sinful man and God the holy One.We have all  sinned and come short of the glory of God,he did not appear to think that applied to him.There is no one so blind  as those who cannot see,or who don't want to see.I pray that the Holy Spirit  would do His special work of convicting him of his sin , and of God's righteousness,and of coming judgement;(John 16 v 8.)

                                               ' Dear God you know the awful darkness

                                                of  peoples hearts,we cry unto you that

                                                by your Spirit,you will convict them

                                                of their sinfulness,and that they may flee 

                                                to Jesus the Saviour of sinners.Amen'



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