verse of the day

Thursday 4 July 2024

Don't do it.( Psalm 121 )

 I don't know if you have ever heard of Roy Taylor,he was a fellow Irish man ,I never met him I wish I had,he was an entertainer ,a singer who represented Ireland in Eurovison 1988.He died of Moter Nrurone Disease.I heard him sing  with Finbar Furey ,while having that disease,i the song sounded lovely.I saw a picture of him holdng a plaque,with theses words on it,'Never,Never,Never,Give Up'.These words challenged me conaidering the person who was holding the plaque,that disease is dreadful ,there is no cure ,he died of it in 2023. Life on planet earth can throw a lot things at us,awful things,and it seems easy to give up, you loose a love one,you loose the job you need,you husband or wife may have been unfaithful,and walked out on you.The present is dark ,the future appears even darker ,the answer is not sucicide,or running away,or being engulfied with dark thoughts,I'm speaking to you if you are a Christian,I want you to look to Jesus ,listen to what He says to  you ,'look to Me', and I will bring you through,in your darkness I will be your light,in your weakness I will be your strength,in your sadness I will be your joy,in your lonliness I will be your friend.He knows how you feel,  It may seem beyond you to carry on, it would be, if it was just you,Here is what Jesus again would say to you.'So do not fear,for I am with you; I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand'. ( Isaiah 40 v10).

                                                            ' Never Give Up,

                                                             Never Give Up,

                                                             Never Give Up'

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