verse of the day

Monday 15 July 2024

I found the answer. ( Luke 19 v 1 -10)

 I was shopping in a supermarket and something caught my eye,it was describing the benefits of a certain product it read,'It will warm your soul'.Most people think they don't have a soul, but they do ,so everything in life is geared to a being without meaning.I read this recently,a  description of two fictitious ladies,' The first is tall and impossibly slim (a Soul without a body), the second was short and squat ( a Body without a soul)'. I found  that amusing, but the fact is we all have souls,and they are the most precious thing we possess. A famous young footballer has 6 cars each one worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, Is that the answer for that young man?,our Saviour declared this ,'what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and looses his soul.?'.Is possessing things,money fame ,what life is all about?,sad to say that's what many think. None of these thing are the meaning of life,they just blind us to the deepest need of our souls,which is Christ,He and He alone can meet the deepest needs of our hearts, sixty years ago,my life was empty,it appeared to have no meaning,but then I found the answer ,Jesus Christ.

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