verse of the day

Sunday 14 July 2024

Please be ready.( Genesis 19 v 14 )

 The Regency period lasted from 1811-1820,it was when George Prince of Wales ruled as Regent, he was a bit of a scallywag, his eating ,drinking,and spending was always excessive.The nobility of that time followed in the princes footsteps,they cared little for the future,or even for tomorrow.They lived  unapologetically in the moment.Charles Wesley called these so gentlemen the great vulgar,they were described  as being stupid,and vain, Sometime  animals show more sense than us humans,the squirrels puts a supply of nuts away  for the winter.Yet there are those who do prepare for old age,but I wonder how many people prepare for eternity?.There used to be people who carried posters on a wooden frame,with the words ,'Prepare to meet your God', I wonder how many people took those words serious?.Do you take it serious?,is it just a joke,when God speaks it ceases to be a joke.There is coming a time when time will be no more (Revelation 10 v6)or as one person put .'their time will be up'.judgement shall begin,and I do pray that whoever is reading this blog ,will not leave it to late,and they will trust Jesus as their Saviour.

                                                    'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ

                                                    and you shall be saved.

                                                               Acts 16 v 31'

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