verse of the day

Friday 31 May 2024

Like a boomerang ( John 6v 66)

Sometimes when one ministers God's word,something  you touched on, comes back like a boomerang to you.,I was feeling  a bit unsettled in relation to a person I know, I was wondering what he was up too,and then the words from the word I preached came into my mind.It was from John 21 Jesus was talking to Peter,recommission him in his service,Then Peter said to our Lord ,'what about him?',speaking of John the beloved disciple,Jesus answered,'what is that to you? You must follow me'.It  was like Jesus saying  to me,'get your eyes of him ,'You must follow me'.There is an old saying,'Key your eye on the ball',it was a reminder to me to keep my eyes on Him and follow Him.It could l suppose  have  been a rebuke to me,and I deserved it.There's a game I used to play when I was a child called ,'Follow the leader',the only thing is following Jesus is not a game,it is the challenge to all Christians,in all walks of life,there are no exemptions.We must keep right on to the end of the road,no matter what anybody else is getting up to,if we don't ,then what will be the end there off?,

                                                            ' Jesus said follow me'

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