verse of the day

Tuesday 28 May 2024

An imperfect family. ( 1 Peter 4 v 8 )

 Would it be a good thing if church leaders would gather any new Christian together and teach them a very simple truth ,let me put it this way,'When we are born we are born into a imperfect family,so it is when we are born again  we are likewise born into  an imperfect family.We who are part of God's family are far from perfect,we are at different levels of sanctification.Our Saviour said ,'be you perfect',He was talking to his disciples and indeed to every Christian,telling us to always to bear that in mind,we are accepted by God  because of Christs righteousness, but in ourselves we are still children of Adam, and unfortunately we sometime show that more that  the fact, that we are children of God.We loose sight of the fact that we are to be .conformed to the image of Christ.(Romans 8 v 29) . The result being  Christians are not always loving to each other, I  have been hurt by other Christians,and I'm sure you have, and I'm sure I have hurt other Christians.There is a little rhyme which goes,it is a bit cynical,'To live with saints above that will be grace and glory,to live with them below ,now that's another story'. As Christians we have to accept our fellow Christians imperfections,as they have to accept ours,it will not always happen,but it should.As God loves us so we must love others,1 John 4 v 20, reads ,'Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar'. 

                                                 'Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

                                                  we are not perfect, but one day we 

                                                  will be. ( Jude 24-25)But until that

                                                  day ,be patient,forgiving, and 

                                                   loving with one another.

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