verse of the day

Thursday 30 May 2024

A great artist . (Genesis 1 v 31 )

 Genesis 1 v 2 reads ,'Now the earth was formless and empty',Calvin translates these words,as,'confused emptiness'it is David Atkinson who writes a number of  helpful comments on these words,'So here creation,shapeless and formless,awaits the artistic creativity and ordering of the Creators hand', There is a modern song written by Rod Stewart called,  'Who designed a Snowflake', the last verse reads,

                                      ' Some will tell you natures random,

                                        That beauty's just a quirk

                                         I believe an artist is at work  ,

                                        Sshhh, an artist at work,

                                        I say,look a genius at work'

In the Academy in Florence stands Michelangelo's sculpture of  St Matthew, It is unfinished. The inscription points out how the sculptor is about to cut away the stone around the figure that he has perceived inside the marble block' Yes out of the formless emptiness,our great God would create a world of great beauty,let us bow humbly before Him and worship Him.

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