verse of the day

Monday 6 May 2024

Our heavenly home.( John 14 v 1-4 )

In Psalm 119 v 19 we read'I am a stranger on earth', in Hebrews 11 we read about the saints of God in the OT as being  ,'Foreigners and strangers on earth, and that they were longing for a better country-a heavenly carries on into the NT we are told that our citizenship is in heaven, ( Philippians 3 v 20),and in 1 Corinthians  15 v 49 we read,'Just ae we are now like the earthly man, we will someday be like the heavenly man'.One day where Jesus is we will be,  ( John 17 v 24 ) Yes a wonderful destiny awaits us,until that day comes whither in death or when Jesus comes back we are to be witness'es for Him by our words ,and by our lives.As Christians we long for heaven and home, so  be careful not to be so taken up with this world that is our temporary dwelling place to the point that we forget our eternal destiny.We are to set our hearts on things above,where Christ is,seated at the right hand of God  (Colossians 3 v1).

                                                       ' Heaven here we come'


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