verse of the day

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Seek God. ( Isaiah 12 v2 )

 In Psalm 143 v 8,David prays,'Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life' he is in difficulties,he  writes of his enemies pressing in upon him,so much so that he is overwhelmed v 3-4. Sometimes we are brought into situations that overwhelm us,David was a very brave man,he had faced many difficulties in his life,he was hounded and hunted by King Saul, his was in continual danger,Saul was relentless in his attempt to kill him. How did David react to all the trials  he experienced,well the scripture records that he turned to the only one who could help him  ,'God'.So he seeks Him,not in a trivial way v 6 reads,'I lift my hands to you in prayer,I thirst for you as parched land thirsts for rain'.Here is a man who is in desperate straits, he acknowledges his unworthiness v2, God owes no one any favours no matter who they are,Yet we are encouraged to seek God in our difficulties , to all call upon Him in the day of trouble that in his mercy He will help us.As His children we are assured of His care and protection His word tells us He will come to our aid as He came to Davids ,time after time.

                                           'His love in times past forbids me to think,

                                            He'll leave me at last in trouble to sink;

                                            Each sweet  Ebenezer I have in review

                                            Confirms His good pleasure to help me

                                            quite through'

                                                         Words John Newton.

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