verse of the day

Monday 13 May 2024

There is more. ( John 11 v 25 )

My son's family has had a death in there family,the cat has died,they are upset,yes a lot of people see their pets as part of their family, I understand that.It came up in discussion when my wife and I were visiting relatives,and a niece said I could pray in order to help that cat cross over.Well I told them I don't think so,and sought to explain ,that animal's ,lovely though they are,they don't cross over,the fact is when they die they cease to exist.We are told that God has placed  eternity within the human heart(Ecclesiastes 3 v11). One translation puts it like this,'has put eternity into man's mind' Derek Kidner writes, Unlike the animals immersed in time,we know something of eternity; enough at least to compare the fleeting with the ' for- ever.'.We are like the desperately near sighted,inching their way along some great tapestry or fresco in an attempt to take it in'.Again as someone else said,'There is something more to life than what we can see and experience in the here and now'.Within humanity there is longing for something more,and they are continually chasing a 'will-o'-the- wisp', a delusive or elusive goal',or to put it plainly,'Shadows'.The word of God tells us 'that the things that are seen are temporal,but the things that are not seen are eternal', (2 Corinthians 4 v 18 ) It is only as we come to know God who is eternal through Jesus Christ  we realise that we have been saved from a lost eternity, and saved to life eternal with God in heaven.

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