verse of the day

Thursday 23 May 2024

William Cowper. ( Psalm 40 v 1- 3 )

 William Cowper was befriended by John Newton and he lived with John and his wife for a number of years,John was the minister at a place called Olney in Buckinghamshire. They were very close friends and William helped in his ministry,and they worked together  in writing a hymn book for the church at Olney. One of the hymns John wrote  was,' Amazing Grace',and one of hymns William wrote was,'God moves in mysterious ways',they are both ,two of my favourite hymns.William was one of the most widely read English poets of his day,he had a wonderful grasp of the English language. He used to take part in the prayer meetings at the church and people loved to here him pray.John said ,' Of all the men I heard pray, no one equalled Mr Cowper'.He was a very shy man so it was quite a task for him to pray publicly, and he confessed ,' that his mind was always greatly agitated for some hours preceding'. Yet he like us  had been taught and was convinced,that,'Satan trembles when he sees,the weakest saint upon his knees'.Never underestimate the power of prayer in dealing with the enemy of our souls,prayer is the most wonderful gift God has given to us His children,don't neglect it,don't underestimate the importance of it.

                                                 'Prayer makes the dark'ned  cloud withdraw,

                                                 Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw;

                                                 Gives exercise to faith and love,

                                                 Brings ev'ry blessing from above.'

                                                         Words W. Cowper.

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